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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2019 1:02:36 GMT
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"first impressions are everything. oh - a little more perfume - but not too much. i don't want it to be obvious."

cait preened herself before her hotel room's mirror, her vespiquen and florges in the midst of ensuring that she was in proper order as they spritz her with a dash of scented liquid and worked to tame her collection of freshly washed and dried curls.

"maybe i should've ironed by hair," she murmured, frowning. "but i doubt it'd stay the way i wanted. and i don't even have an iron handy - ow!"

her florges merely huffed at the young officer, the pokemon tugging her hair and ensuring that the massive collection of curls were bound by a dark ribbon composed of a satin material.

"gentle, florges," she huffed. "my scalp's sensitive."

the fairy merely shrugged and pulled away, her gaze analytical as it swept across the young woman's form. her mistress was presently garbed in a laundered pant suit, her attire formal but not excessively so. and as vespiquen hovered closer to adjust the woman's jacket she'd nod her approval, considering their work to be done.

"let's hope that everything works out," cait said.

she reapplied her lipstick until the plump flesh was glossy, her grin one of approval as she eyed her reflection.

"let's get going!"

- - -

cait had secured both her vespiquen and florges into their pokeballs before depositing them into her purse. and the officer's grip upon the handbag's strap was tight as she entered the league's official building, a kindly receptionist offering her the directions that would lead her to mister lane's office. she'd stall at his door for roughly several minutes, having produced a small and personal mirror for the umpteenth time to check herself over before lightly knocking upon his door.

"sir? it's officer alfric - i'm here for my ten o'clock interview."

there was a slight tremble present within her voice, but she somehow managed not to stumble over her words.

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Luke / Boomer
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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2019 19:38:36 GMT
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Lucas scrolls through the pictures on his screen, admiring the art and artifacts pictured. He considers which ones would make a fine addition to his collection. Which of the art pieces pictured he'd consider loaning out to the Lilycove art museum. Currently only one piece of his collection was on display. "The Voice of the Forest" the piece had been called at auction. It depicts Celebi atop a shrine dedicated to it, with a worshiper standing close. The painter was unknown, but the picture was dated back centuries he'd been told.

"Please, come in" Lucas says to Cait as she finally makes her voice heard, remaining seated as he did so. His office is spacious and pristine. Light pours in through a large window, where two healthy plants site on the windowsill. Several filled bookcases line a wall opposite of the window. On the wall behind the head scientist's desk hang three intricately carved masks, similar to those Yamasks carry.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Looking towards Cait he motions to a guest chair in front of his desk. "Was it easy finding your way here?" He says as takes her resume out of a desk drawer, skimming over it one final time. Placing the sheet gently down on the desk after a few moments he starts the interview off with a simple question. "So, tell me a little bit about yourself." A simple, cliche question. He'd gone through few interviews in his career, and never interviewed someone himself. This would be a learning experience for him. Helping him out with the other interviews scheduled that week.

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POSTED ON Jan 20, 2019 22:19:59 GMT
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cait entered the office and struggled not to present herself as a stiff and awkward individual as she did so.

'so this is one of the head scientists.'

the flesh of her face grew warm as her gaze lingered upon his chiseled features. he was handsome - remarkably, so.

"thank you for having me," she said. "and it was. the receptionist helped me, plenty.

she smoothly settled upon the seat he had provided, her gaze shifting only to take in the items that were neatly arranged upon the walls of his office.

"i - "

cait fell silent for several beats, the young woman transfixed by a single piece of artwork. the rigidness of her shoulders had grown lax at that moment, the slight strain present within her face melting away.

"my name is alfric," she said. "and i originate from fortree..."

she told him a bit about her humble beginnings, careful to omit details that she considered to be mundane or the least bit irrelevant. cait spoke of her time spent with the league then, simplifying the details whilst sharing that she was very much capable of tackling the field and the office.

"i also have a specialization in grass and bug pokemon," she continued. "that and I have an ample amount of experience in direct relation to forest-based ecology. though i'll admit i am mostly self taught. i only ever received the basic rudimentary education prior to my enlistment - but i've completed several league-sponsored courses and have a few certificates in my file that reflect this."

her youth was her primary weakness when it came to acquiring a position as an assistant. this was primarily due to the fact that she lacked experience; but she hoped that she could distract him from such things by presenting herself as a well-spoken and educated young woman.

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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2019 20:54:21 GMT
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Lucas listens intently to every word the applicant says. As she falls silent he leans back in his chair slightly, it creaks softly. He notes the direction she gazes towards. Without looking he knows her attention is focused on "The Voice of the Forest." It was the only piece that hung on that otherwise bare section of the wall. Later that day the piece was to be collected and brought to the Lilycove Art Museum. A slight smile tugs at the edges of his mouth. He enjoyed that fact that someone else appreciated his collection, even if it was only one part.

"Forest based ecology eh?" Lucas moves to pick up her resume, eyes dart across the page to find its mention. He notes the certificates and nods appreciatively. Those would be useful. "You said you were self taught. Could you elaborate a bit on that? What made you want to take that sort of thing up?" He didn't view being self taught as something to be frowned upon, quite the opposite in fact. The lack of experience was concerning, however. Little to show her skills in it he thought.

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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2019 22:24:02 GMT
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she blinked and took a brief while to consider the question.

"tradition, i suppose," cait said. "the children of my family are typically born and raised in and around the forest due to where our property lies. it's been that way for generations - ever since we migrated from johto."

additionally, the young woman supposed she never really considered a career path outside of what was considered usual. her people's culture was so deeply ingrained within nearly every fiber of her being that imagining herself doing something considered atypical rarely occurred.

'then again,' she thought, wincing. 'i did join the league. that isn't a normal profession taken up by an alfric.'

"i've a fondness for literature," she continued, trying not to miss a beat. "it was always how i studied any and all subjects i took an interest in. my preferred method of learning has always been linguistically-inclined. it's how i teach myself, basically."

as a child, she had frequently taken up book learning to answer the questions that filled her mind to its very brim. once she had a firm enough grasp on reading, cait had spent countless hours within the confines of her father's rarely used study.

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 0:13:00 GMT
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"Fondness for literature, that's something you don't see much nowadays." Lucas chimes in, glad to see that some people still clung to the old pastime. "So I take it that you're a capable writer then? There's a lot of desk duty here too you know. A lot of reports that need to be made and filed." He pauses for a brief moment. "Not to say that assistants don't get to help directly, but I think you get the point."

Placing the paper back against the wooden desk Lucas straightens his back, the chair creaking during the process. "Tell me though, why do you want to work here? I'd have thought that pursuing forest based ecology for tradition reasons meant there was a family business of some sort." Again the scientist attempts to pry at her history, to learn more about the applicant. "Maybe it's because she's a fanatic" he thought to himself. Specializing in the niche field for her appreciation and fascination in grass and bug pokemon. It felt so out of place as a field of study that he thought there had to be a special reason for it, besides simply "tradition."

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 1:18:56 GMT
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"to be perfectly honest i actually enjoy office work," cait replied, grinning widely. "my script's pretty decent. and if i didn't fancy - or at the very least tolerate - an excessive amount of paperwork i wouldn't have become an officer in the first place."

the young woman doubted she'd enjoy becoming a ranger, naturally preferring environments where her talents as an intellectually proficient individual would come into play. additionally, work as an officer was far more predictable in comparison to that of a ranger's, and education as one awarded one a natural advantage over one's peers. 

"i intend to stay in the league for a maximum of ten to fifteen years," she began. "and while i'm apart of the league i'd like to partake in research because i'm very much interested in that field in particular. and working here would be both a rewarding and worthwhile experience - at least from my perspective.

that and it would fluff up her presently lackluster work portfolio. the earlier she started working directly beneath the top brass the sooner she'd be allowed a position among their ranks. and the young woman would honestly rather not wait until she reached the tail end of her career to manage that goal. 

"i will pursue a career in herbology after i've invested a good amount of time in the league," she clarified. "but for now - i'm focused on developing my skills and eventually qualifying as a full-fledged researcher.

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 3:49:55 GMT
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"Yes yes, I guess that's right." Lucas says, following her comment about becoming an officer. Surprise runs through him as Cait shares her career path with him. He didn't expect her to have her life planned out as thoroughly as she did. "Well you're already off to a good start" he remarks. An officer at the age of nineteen with several certificates and league courses completed. Even enjoyed office work too, which he couldn't say about himself. Cait was more impressive than Lucas had thought from the initial read of her resume.

The head scientist saw much of himself in the young girl. Someone with initiative, a planner, an appreciator of the finer things life has to offer judging by her fascination in the painting. Traits he would appreciate in an assistant. "Just a few more questions if you don't mind Cait. Could you go over with me a few projects you've worked on related to your studies and your hobbies?" While he did like the applicant no proper schooling meant he needed something else to gauge her skills off of. Learning her hobbies was also to help Lucas get a better feeling of her character.

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 4:16:27 GMT
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'i was hoping he wouldn't ask that.' 


cait inclined her head, her eyelids lowering slightly as she mulled over how to appropriately answer the scientist's simple inquiry. 

'well, i don't intend to be forthcoming. whatever i say next will probably be construed as a weakness because i can't for the life of me think of a way to make it sound like a personal strength.'  

"i'm afraid i've not... invested much time toward anything that is worthy of discussion," she said, grimacing lightly. "i've a solid grasp on the basics and only ever really indulge in light study to ensure that i don't lose that knowledge.

it was a fib but one that wouldn't be considered obvious. her research that pertained to legends and the like had devoured a sizable chunk of her personal time as of late - but she felt as though bringing up her interest in the gods during her interview would be wildly inappropriate. 

"i don't do much outside of work and ensuring my team is trained on a tri-weekly basis. ah - now that i'm saying it out loud i sound a bit dull. but i doubt you'd be interested in hearing that i fancy playing instruments and dancing.

she offered the man a polite grin, the girl twisting her expression just so to appear outwardly sheepish by her 'admittance'. 

"i think that's another reason why i'm so interested in working for you, sir," she continued, an excited glimmer present within her green-eyed gaze. "i have quite a bit of free time on my hands. and i'm certain you'll keep me busy if i'm taken on as an assistant.

additionally, cait may be allowed access to information the usual league member wasn't privy to. she had no intention of using such things for nefarious purposes, of course - but she felt as though it would be handy in the near or distant future.

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POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 23:45:47 GMT
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"A shame" Lucas says as he found the girl had no projects to share. He had a slight look of disappointment to him upon learning the fact. Sighing he leans back in his chair as Cait continues to talk, taking in what she had to say. Lucas supposed that the rest of the interview was pointless from that point on. Fingers rise and fall in a wave pattern onto his right knee beneath the desk. He waits for the girl to finish. As the final words leave her mouth he notes a spark in her eyes, something his previous mentor had seen in him. The sight leaves Lucas silent as memories came back to him. His eyes stray from Cait, falling upon a framed photo on the corner of his desk. It was a photo of himself and another man that strangers might guess to be his father. His arm is wrapped around Lucas. Lab machinery can be seen behind the smiling duo.

"You know, when I started out I was an assistant to a man named Jaime Sousa. He was well respected at Devon. If there was anything groundbreaking at the company you could be sure he was leading it." A smile tugs at Lucas' mouth as he remembers his time with his mentor. "When I first interviewed at the company I was much like you. Lacking experience, but not without redeeming qualities. Jaime saw something in me and gave me a chance then, taking me in and making me into what I am today." He straightens himself in the chair, there's a brief pause of a few beats. "Anyway, I'll just cut to the chase. I see this spark in you like I believe Jaime saw in me, and it's a-amazing." The scientist places both hands on his desk, fingers intertwining as he puts both hands together. "I'm willing to give you what Jaime gave me. A chance to not only work under me, but to learn under me."

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POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 0:51:49 GMT
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cait blinked, uncomprehending. 

'i did it?' 

she sat up a little straighter within her seat. her smile had froze for only a moment before it grew wide, her lips curling to reveal a set or pearly white teeth.

'i did it!' she cheered, inwardly.

"thank you, sir," she breathed. 

cait was still in a partial state of shock, the young woman surprised that she had somehow managed to effectively convince the man. initially, she feared that she'd pale in comparison to other applicants - applicants who were probably older and far more experienced in comparison. 

'but i did it,' she thought. 'he chose me.'

"you won't regret it," she said, nodding her head. "i'll work hard - i promise."

the girl trembled, struggling not to shed her professional persona in favor of a far more childish one. 

'don't fidget - don't squirm.'

she discreetly sucked in a calming breath. 

"when would you like me to start?

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POSTED ON Jan 30, 2019 2:33:44 GMT
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"You're welcome," the words come out soft, compassionate. "And I'm sure you will." Lucas thought his faith well placed in Cait. He was sure she would be dependable and an excellent addition to the department. Attention drifting back to his computer screen he'd pause at the woman's question. "Starting? Let me see," he brought up a calendar in the corner of the screen. "Next Monday I think. Work starts at nine." Nine for those less zealous in their work. Often Lucas would arrive at seven in the morning to continue where he left off from the night before. "You should have a desk and everything set up by then." Getting out of his chair he'd make his way towards the door, his work bringing him elsewhere in the building. "I look forward to working with you Cait." He opens the door and stands to the side. "After you."


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POSTED ON Jan 30, 2019 3:52:56 GMT
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"next monday," she parroted.

her head bobbed up and down in a nod as she stood upon a pair of slightly trembling legs. her trepidation had been effectively replaced by a surge of delight, the grin upon her face almost painfully wide. 

'i can't stop smiling.' 

"of course, sir.

the young officer had no doubt in her mind that she'd eventually ascend from her previous position as a common league member with ease. getting her name out there and having her potential recognize was no small feat - but she was certain that she'd manage it. 

"and thank you," she said. 

cait would bid him farewell after the blessedly short interview, hurriedly retreating to the nearest bathroom once they had went separate ways. she'd bring out her vespiquen and florges before pulling the pair into a hug, informing them of what she had accomplished. 

"i - i  actually did it, girls!"

they gently squeezed her back and she felt - at that moment - that perhaps everything would be okay. 

[ end thread ]

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